Hola chic@s, he sido seleccionada para participar en Terra de Bloggers!!!!!! Mañana mismo (21 de
noviembre) a partir de las 12 del mediodía, comenzara una gran batalla en Twitter. EL PREMIO: la posibilidad de
convertirme en blogger remunerado de Terra durante un año. Solo podré ganarla
si ese día consigo cientos de tuits y retuits. Y necesito vuestra ayuda!
La mecánica es bien sencilla: tengo que conseguir ser uno de los 10 conquistadores de mi categoría que más menciones reciba en twitter el día del evento y para ello publicare tuits con el hashtag genérico de la batalla #terradebloggers, combinado con mi hashtag personal (que lo sabré mañana a las 12.00 del mediodía).
¿Que tenéis que hacer vosotros?
Escribid tuits con los hashtag #terradebloggers más #hashtag personal.
Y RT! Los tuits que yo escriba
Como veis es muy sencillo, y espero que me ayudéis.
Podéis empezar a seguirme en twitter: @isabfer
Gracias a todos
¡¡¡¡Tenemos que conseguirlo!!!!
Hi chic@s, I have been selected to participate in Terra Bloggers!! Tomorrow (November 21)from 12 midday, began a great battle on Twitter. PRIZE: the possibility of becoming a paid blogger Terra for a year. I can only win if that day I get hundreds of tweets and retweets. And I need your help!
The mechanics are simple: I have to get one of the 10 conquerors of my category for that publishes tweets with the hashtag #terradebloggers combined with my personal hashtag (you'll know tomorrow at 12.00 midday).
What you have to do?
Write tweets with the hashtag #terradebloggers more my personal hashtag
And retweets my tweet
As you see it is very simple, and I hope you will help me
You can begin to follow me on twitter: @isabfer
We have to get it!!
Hi chic@s, I have been selected to participate in Terra Bloggers!! Tomorrow (November 21)from 12 midday, began a great battle on Twitter. PRIZE: the possibility of becoming a paid blogger Terra for a year. I can only win if that day I get hundreds of tweets and retweets. And I need your help!
The mechanics are simple: I have to get one of the 10 conquerors of my category for that publishes tweets with the hashtag #terradebloggers combined with my personal hashtag (you'll know tomorrow at 12.00 midday).
What you have to do?
Write tweets with the hashtag #terradebloggers more my personal hashtag
And retweets my tweet
As you see it is very simple, and I hope you will help me
You can begin to follow me on twitter: @isabfer
We have to get it!!
Muchisima suerte, he estado ojeando tu blog y eres una artista!
ResponderEliminarLa batalla la tienes ganada seguro!
Muchos besitos!
Me suscribo!
No había oído hablar de este tipo de concursos, me parece genial! Espero que tengas mucha suerte! Un besazo linda muaks
ResponderEliminarI Love cupcakes
Muchísima suerte!!! Me encanta tu blog!!
Hoy en el blog: Aimal print...a mi manera!!
Hey dear! I am hosting a very interesting giveaway, 25 people will win! So come by and participate! :)